Companions of the web, accumulate 'round. What you are going to witness is the marriage of an exemplary summer s'more (graham wafer, chocolate, and marshmallow) with the type of a great Minnesota treat bar (thick, sweet, transportable to potlucks and such… we adore our pastry bars in the Midwest) with a tad of nutty spread tossed in for good measure. I don't have a clue, perhaps it's off-base? Putting nutty spread with a s'more? In which case I would prefer even not to be correct.
It is tantamount to it sounds. You're fundamentally making an ordinary treat mixture (margarine, eggs, flour, that kind of thing) yet including some squashed graham wafers toward the end. I additionally go next level by utilizing Land O'Lakes® European Style Butter, which, regardless of whether it were only for the name, makes these somewhat more extravagant. Advancement is my name, S'mores Bars is my game.
Truly, however, this margarine is It has a somewhat higher percent milk fat than ordinary margarine and I adore utilizing it for, well, ALL plans, however particularly preparing plans. Like dis one.
In the event that you can oppose these, you are harder than intense. Additionally, you are most likely not alive.With their gooey marshmallow layer and thick chocolate base and encompassing rich graham-stacked treat circumstance, there is simply such a great amount of adoration to go around. So. Much. Love.
- 1/2 cup butter – I used Land O’Lakes® European Style Butter – it has a slightly higher percent milk fat and it is ultra delicious for baking
- 1/2 cup white sugar
- 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 1/4 cup flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 6 graham crackers, crushed into crumbs
- 1/2 cup peanut butter
- 2 4-ounce chocolate bars (the extra big, extra thick size)
- 1 7-ounce jar of marshmallow creme
- Prep: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Cookie Base: Beat the butter and both sugars. Mix in the egg and vanilla. Mix in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir in the graham cracker crumbs.
- Make a top layer: Line an 8×8 baking dish with parchment and press 1/2 of the dough into the bottom of the pan. Lift out the parchment with the dough on it and set it aside – this will be your top cookie layer.
- Assembly: Line again with parchment and press the remaining dough into the bottom of the pan. Layer with the chocolate bars, peanut butter, marshmallow creme, and top cookie layer.
- Bake: Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown on top. Let cool completely for best serving results.
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